“Cheap thoughts bring cheap returns. When you place yourself in low vibration, you draw things that vibrate on the low level. Do you begrudgingly spend money? Do you hate to pay your bills? If so, you are violating the law of correspondence. What you withhold from the universe will be withheld from you. If you […]
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BOOK EXCERPT OF THE WEEK: Part 1- From, “Acts Of Faith” By: Iyanla Vanzant
“The universe is extremely responsive to our strongest thoughts and emotions. The forces of life are eager to bring us the very things we give force to. When we are unhappy, dissatisfied or unfulfilled, we give a great deal of energy to the condition we are in. We must realize that complaining about where we […]
Read the rest of this entry »TODAY IS BUY BLACK FRIDAY
PLEASE PASS THIS ON! (EACH ONE TEACH ONE OR TWO!) THIS IS PHASE ONE ON HOW WE CAN HELP TO STRENGTHEN & EMPOWER OUR COMMUNITY: The 2008 not guilty verdict in the Sean Bell case evoked outrage, emotion, and debate. It is not an anomaly that the police officers involved in the Sean Bell slaying […]
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“It is the fool whose own tomatoes are sold to him.” -Akan Proverb Tweet
Read the rest of this entry »A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words Pic Of The Week
Marie Maynard Daly, the first African American woman in America to earn a Ph.D. in chemistry. Tweet
Read the rest of this entry »Black History Fact Of The Day: Marie Maynard Daly
Marie Maynard Daly was the first African American woman in America to earn a Ph.D. in chemistry. She received her doctorate degree from Columbia University in 1947. In 1988, she established a scholarship for African American chemistry and physics majors at Queens College in New York. Tweet
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“I know this now. Every man gives his life to what he believes. Every woman gives her life for what she believes. Sometimes people in little or nothing, and so they give their lives to little or nothing.” -Joan of Arc Tweet
Read the rest of this entry »Black History Fact Of The Day: The Fountain Pen
W. B. Purvis invented the fountain pen. His invention did away with necessity of using an ink bottle to write. Instead ink was stored in a reservoir inside the pen. Tweet
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“The difference between what we are doing and what we’re capable of doing would solve most of the world’s problems.” -Mahatma Gandhi Tweet
Read the rest of this entry »The Move Organization
This video shows vintage footage of the Move Organization and how they were attacked by the government. You can see the dangers of media propaganda, and how the voice of the people gets absurdly twisted. You can also see police brutality as it is exercised against the Black community. This is recent Black history (and […]
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