“If your brain can move your body with a split second, command thought, imagine what it can do with concentrated and directed thought.”-Dr. Thomas Evans Tweet
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Quote Of The Day
“No person is your friend who demands your silence or denies your right to grow.” -Alice Walker Tweet
Read the rest of this entry »Cameroon Officials Open Dams Flooding Nigerian Farmlands
SIDEBAR: I love his name, “Godknows.” Tweet
Read the rest of this entry »Quote Of The Day
“Arrogance is armored stupidity.” -Randall Robinson Tweet
Read the rest of this entry »African Slaves Built The Rice Industry
“South Carolina’s slave-plantation owners had known nothing about how to grow and irrigate rice. That knowledge was brought to the low country by Africans stolen from the Sierra Leone by the Royal African company of England. As the slaves produced the rice that made the plantation owners rich, their glistening backs bore the branded acronymn […]
Read the rest of this entry »TODAY IS BUY BLACK FRIDAY
PLEASE PASS THIS ON! (EACH ONE TEACH ONE OR TWO!) THIS IS PHASE ONE ON HOW WE CAN HELP TO STRENGTHEN & EMPOWER OUR COMMUNITY: The 2008 not guilty verdict in the Sean Bell case evoked outrage, emotion, and debate. It is not an anomaly that the police officers involved in the Sean Bell slaying […]
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