Buy Black Friday: Starbury

Written By: Elsie Law - Jul• 17•20
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Black History Fact: What Famous Author Was Stokely Carmichael’s Freshman English Teacher?

Written By: Elsie Law - Apr• 22•20

When he was a freshman at Howard University, Stokely Carmichael had an English professor who was to become a Nobel laureate. She was also the future editor of two of his books.

He had this to say about his famous teacher:  “My freshman English teacher I’ve never forgotten. She was an instructor and a challenging teacher who was really down with black literature and our people’s culture. But this teacher was unusual in one other important respect: she was young, stylish, and really fine. Her name was Toni Morrison…About eight years later my teacher and I met again when she would be my editor at Random House for both Black Power and Stokely Speaks.”

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Quote Of The Day

Written By: Elsie Law - Apr• 22•20

“Twenty-two million black men! They have given America four hundred years of toil; they have bled and died in every battle since the Revolution; they were in America before the Pilgrims, and long before the mass immigrations- and they are still today at the bottom of everything!” -Malcolm X

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Malcolm X’s Prediction For The Year 2000 That Didn’t Come True

Written By: Elsie Law - Apr• 17•20

In his autobiography, Malcolm X recounts a conversation he had with a white reporter who he felt was honest and sincere. He didn’t reveal the name of the reporter because he wanted to protect his identity and spare him any possible backlash he could receive from expressing his admiration for Malcolm X.

Malcolm X said he had an extensive and pleasant conversation with the reporter about the Dead Sea Scrolls, history, archeology, and religion. He said that they discussed Jesus being a man of African descent. Malcolm X described the conclusion of their conversation by saying: “I remember we wound up agreeing that by the year 2000, every schoolchild will be taught the true color of great men of antiquity.”

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Quote Of The Day

Written By: Elsie Law - Apr• 17•20

“Leaving aside the possibility our leaders have duped us into believing fear and conformity rather than eternal vigilance protect our civil liberties, ask instead a simpler question: How are we practicing freedom?” -John Edgar Wideman (From, “Ready For Revolution”)

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Quote Of The Day

Written By: Elsie Law - Mar• 18•20

“A grand game of chess is being played on a level that we can barely imagine, and we are the pawns. Pawns are only valuable under certain circumstances and are frequently sacrificed to gain an advantage. Those who have seriously studied history have probably discovered the real reason we go to war on a regularly scheduled basis.” -William Cooper

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Quote Of The Day

Written By: Elsie Law - Dec• 24•19

“Hypnosis is a disorientation of the inhibitory processes of the conscious mind, bypassing the analytical mind so that one becomes highly responsive to suggestions and information in the subconscious mind. As the conscious mind is busy and preoccupied trying to figure things out, the subconscious mind takes it all in without discretion. If you can disorient people with information (or in today’s world, disinformation), shock, or confusion, you just opened the door to programming their subconscious mind.” -Dr. Joe Dispenza

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The World’s Plastic Problem

Written By: Elsie Law - Sep• 19•19

Plastic, a great invention that was create about 150 years ago, has become an enemy to the planet due to human consumption. The June 2018 Edition of National Geographic focuses on how the over-abundance of plastic on the planet is having a deleterious effect on the Earth.

The aforementioned magazine issue states the following plastic facts:

  • 9 million tons of plastic end up in the ocean every year.
  • More than 40% of plastic products is used just once.
  • “The ‘working life’ of a plastic bag is 15 minutes.”
  • Less than 10% of the plastic used in America is recycled.
  • Less than 20% of plastic used worldwide is recycled.
  • Estimates state that it takes anywhere from 450 years to infinity for plastic to completely biodegrade.
  • Plastic that makes its way into the ocean kills millions of sea animals every year.
  • According to some estimates, as the ice in the Arctic Ocean melts, millions of bits of plastic could be released into the ocean.
  • “On some beaches in Hawaii, as much as 15% of the sand is actually grains of microplastic.”
  • The Coca-Cola Company reportedly manufactures 128 billion plastic bottles a year.
  • “Half the plastic ever manufactured has been made in the past 15 years.”
  • Currently, globally, 18% of plastic is recycled.
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Quote Of The Day

Written By: Elsie Law - Sep• 19•19

“Can our planet afford to have any great thinkers become discouraged or intimidated and give up? It doesn’t take a genius to know the answer: absolutely not.” National Geographic May 2017 Editorial

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Black History Fact: The Comprehensive Act & Slavery In America

Written By: Elsie Law - Aug• 23•19

“An act of 1696, reenacted in 1712 and again in 1722, declared that those who have been sold and their children, are made slaves. By 1725, Governor Arthur Middleton stated that slaves have been and are always deemed as goods and chattel by their masters.

In 1740, The Comprehensive Negro Act abandoned completely the last vestiges of the Barbadian tradition and set slavery on a unique legal foundation. Blacks, Indians, and their heirs were considered slaves, the only colonial law affirming slavery as the presumptive status of persons of color.

The status of Blacks changed from unfree labor to racial slaves. A dark curtain had fallen over the colony. From that time on in law as well as in custom, the wall between white and non-white was set in stone.

The political condition of the African in South Carolina worsened in the 18th century as he was stripped of his humanity as well as his freedom both in theory and in practice.

Slavery in Carolina, from its founding until the Stono Rebellion of 1739, was marked by rising tensions between the races, stricter slave codes, and efforts by whites to maintain control as Blacks increased their numerical superiority.

A ticket was required to leave the place of the master slave patrols enforced the slave code and were on the look out for any signs of rebellion. Punishment of slaves included branding, mutilation, whipping, burning, castration, and execution.

Such measures undoubtedly increased the sense of cohesion among the Black population, but not necessarily a loss of ethnic identity. As Blacks fought back their resistance took many forms including arson, poison, and conspiracy.” -From, “The Gullah People and Their African Heritage” By: William Pollitzer

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