Archive for the 'Definition' Category

The Dictionary’s Definition Of Black Power

Webster defines black power as follows: “The power of black Americans to establish their rights by collective action.” Tweet

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Definitions Better Than Webster’s: The Brain

THE BRAIN: “The brain is capable of millions of different things, and people really should learn how incredible they are, and how incredible their minds actually are. Not only do we have this unbelievable thing within our heads that can do so many things for us and can help us learn, but it can change […]

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Video Of The Week: Culture, Thanksgiving & Holidays

The lecturers discuss: The definition of culture, the definition of holiday, the 10-song radio rotation list, the co-opting of culture, and social engineering. At the 30-minute mark, Native American, Guy Jones, discusses: Thanksgiving, nations vs. tribes, love and hate, relationships, the capitalist system, and prayer. [SIDEBAR: Black Love Day & Maafa Recognition Day- Genius!] Tweet

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Definitions Better Than Webster’s: Learning

LEARNING: “Learning refers to a short-, intermediate-, or relatively long-term change in perception, ways of integrating and organizing information, of communicating, expressing and applying processed information in the world by both verbal and nonverbal means that occur as the result of experience, imitation, deliberate and/or repeated practice, and the inferential construction of concepts, procedures and […]

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Definitions Better Than Webster’s: Indiscriminate Bonding

INDISCRIMINATE BONDING: “Baby ducks have been known to follow a scientist’s yellow boots as if those boots were their mom, because that’s what they were exposed to directly after birth. This learned response is called indiscriminate bonding. (Perhaps one explanation for why we sometimes date the wrong person.” -Drs. Roizen & Oz Tweet

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Definitions Better Than Webster’s: Culture

Culture: “Culture is the matrix on which the fragile human animal draws to remain socially healthy. As fish need the sea, culture, with its timeless reassurance and its seeming immortality, offsets for the frail human spirit the brevity, the careless accidentalness of life. An individual human life is easy to extinguish. Culture is leaned on […]

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Definitions Better Than Webster’s: Evil

EVIL: “Evil is knowing better but doing wrong anyway, while influencing others to do the same.” -Sister Souljah Tweet

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Definitions Better Than Webster’s: Interrogation

Interrogation: “The goal of any interrogation, by definition, is to elicit a confession from a guilty party, not to investigate the truth of a denial. The common tactics used to gain confessions are based on the idea that only guilty people are interrogated in the first place…Once they decide they are speaking with a guilty […]

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Definitions Better Than Webster’s: Self-Sabotage

SELF-SABOTAGE: “Self-sabotage takes many forms, such as quitting school, taking low-paying jobs, choosing a spouse who abuses you physically or verbally, spending more than you make, committing slow suicide with tobacco, alcohol, or other drugs, getting involved in crime, working yourself to illness or death, self-starvation, self-inflicting wounds, running away, dropping out, or engaging in […]

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Definitions Better Than Webster’s: Love

LOVE: “Love is contraband in hell, Cause love is an acid That eats away bars.” -Assata Shakur Tweet

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