“Your ancestors dragged these black people from their homes by force; and in the white man’s quest for wealth and an easy life they have been ruthlessly suppressed and exploited, degraded into slavery. The modern prejudice against Negroes is the result of the desire to maintain this unworthy condition…I believe that whoever tries to think […]
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Black History Fact Of The Day
Miriam Benjamin is the second Black woman to receive a patent. She named her invention the “Gong and Signal Chair for Hotels.” Benjamin’s invention allowed hotel customers to call for a waiter without leaving their chair. According to About.com, “Miriam Benjamin’s invention was adapted and used in the United States House of Representatives.” Tweet
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“He who would move the world must first move himself.” -Edward Ericson Tweet
Read the rest of this entry »Book Excerpt Of The Week- Part 2: “Awakening The Natural Genius Of Black Children” By: Amos N. Wilson
“For a people to vote and pay taxes for weapons that are going to destroy their very lives and the future of their people, they have to be out of their minds. For physicists to build weapons that would end their lives and the lives of their children, they have to be out of their […]
Read the rest of this entry »Book Excerpt Of The Week- Part 1: “Awakening The Natural Genius Of Black Children” By: Amos N. Wilson
“The Afrikan American community cannot maximize its existence and quality of life unless and until it educates its parents, caregivers, and those who school its children, along lines appropriate to optimizing their mental and physical potential as well as their Afrikan consciousness, identity and common humanity. A significant part of the social chaos so typical […]
Read the rest of this entry »TODAY IS BUY BLACK FRIDAY
PLEASE PASS THIS ON! (EACH ONE TEACH ONE OR TWO!) THIS IS PHASE ONE ON HOW WE CAN HELP TO STRENGTHEN & EMPOWER OUR COMMUNITY: The 2008 not guilty verdict in the Sean Bell case evoked outrage, emotion, and debate. It is not an anomaly that the police officers involved in the Sean Bell slaying […]
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Michael Croslin invented the computerized blood pressure machine. Tweet
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“You can’t separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom.” -Malcolm X Tweet
Read the rest of this entry »Boley, Oklahoma: An All Black Town
Boley, Oklahoma was a Black operated town. This town was home to the first Black-owned electric company. This town also had a Black rodeo that attracted tens of thousands of patron every weekend. Tweet
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Steve Biko was an anti-apartheid activist. His slogan was “Black is Beautiful.” He was killed while in police custody, when he was under arrest for his activist activities. Tweet
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