According to National Geographic, paid maternity leave in common throughout the world. The news source states that paid maternity leave for childbirth is federal policy in 34 out of the 35 nations that are members of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. The hold-out country is the United States. Tweet
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The Quote Every Teacher & Parent Should Consider
“The force of education is so great that we may mold the minds and manners of the young into whatever shape we please and give the impressions of such habits as shall ever afterwards remain.” -Atterbury Tweet
Read the rest of this entry »Kalief Browder: Death By Right To Trial
HE SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN ARRESTED!! This was an innocent and brave child! Tweet
Read the rest of this entry »Assata Shakur On Segregated Schools
“Of course, our schools were segregated, but the teachers took ore of an interest in our lives because they lived in our world, in the same neighborhoods. They knew what we were up against and hat e would be facing as adults, and they tried to protect us as much as they could. More than […]
Read the rest of this entry »These Are The Ads In Your Neighborhood: The Corruption Of Children
Why would a picture with a character that has been marketed to children for decades be captioned like this? SMH. Train station; Brooklyn, New York. Tweet
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