In his autobiography, Malcolm X recounts a conversation he had with a white reporter who he felt was honest and sincere. He didn’t reveal the name of the reporter because he wanted to protect his identity and spare him any possible backlash he could receive from expressing his admiration for Malcolm X. Malcolm X said […]
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The Quote Every Teacher & Parent Should Consider
“The force of education is so great that we may mold the minds and manners of the young into whatever shape we please and give the impressions of such habits as shall ever afterwards remain.” -Atterbury Tweet
Read the rest of this entry »Anecdote: How Much Damage Is The “Education” System Doing?
“The animals got together in the forest one day and decided to start a school. There was a rabbit, a bird, a squirrel, a fish and an eel, and they formed a Board of Education. The rabbit insisted that running be in the curriculum. The bird insisted that flying be in the curriculum. The fish […]
Read the rest of this entry »Assata Shakur On Nat Turner
“It had never occurred to me that hundreds of Black people had got together to fight for their freedom. The day I found out about Nat Turner I was affected so strongly it was physical. I was so souped up on adrenaline I could barely contain myself. I tore through every book my mother had. […]
Read the rest of this entry »Assata Shakur On Segregated Schools
“Of course, our schools were segregated, but the teachers took ore of an interest in our lives because they lived in our world, in the same neighborhoods. They knew what we were up against and hat e would be facing as adults, and they tried to protect us as much as they could. More than […]
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