Archive for June, 2015

Black History Fact Of The Day

On April 29, 1890, Henry Faulkner received a patent for his invention, the ventilated shoe. This invention helped to alleviate blisters and other foot problems that were caused by wearing the shoes of that time. Tweet

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Quote Of The Day

“The will to win is important, but the will to prepare to win is vital.” -Joe Paterno Tweet

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Legal Eagles Fun Fact: At What Age Is Your Sense Of Smell The Greatest?

“The sense of smell at birth is higher than at any other age and declines after age eight. Why? Upper respiratory infections and pollution damage the structures that enable us to smell.” -From, “You: Having A Baby” Tweet

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Black History Fact Of The Day

“In 1834 South Carolina made it unlawful to teach Blacks, free or slave, to read or write.” -From, “The Gullah People and Their African Heritage” By: William S. Pollitzer Tweet

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Quote Of The Day

“Emotional independence begins with the development of inner resources.” -Anonymous Tweet

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Black History Fact Of The Day

Great uncle of poet/writer Langston Hughes, John Mercer Langston was the first Black man to become a lawyer in Ohio in 1854. John Mercer Langston was also one of the first African-Americans elected to public office in the United States. In 1855, he was elected as a town clerk in Ohio. Tweet

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A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words Pic Of The Week


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Quote Of The Day

“The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it.” -Moliere Tweet

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Martin Luther King Jr. On Black Economics & War


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Book Excerpt Of The Week: “Take A Lesson” By: Caroline Clarke

“Two of the more lasting lessons I took from Wharton’s example that day were to value every encounter and to discount no one. As he has noted himself, ‘Doing wonderful things for the bottom line is fine, but without a sense of genuine compassion, leaders will fall short of greatness. Great leaders do not lose […]

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