“The human ear can detect only the sound which is produced through from 32,000 to 38,000 vibrations per second. As the rate of vibrations per second increases above that which we call sound, they begin to manifest themselves in the form of heat. Heat begins with about 1,500,000 vibrations per second. Still higher up the […]
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Scientific Fun Fact: Constant Motion
“In the world of physical matter, whether one is looking at the largest star that floats through the heavens or the smallest grain of sand to be found on earth, the object under observation is but an organized collection of molecules, atoms and electrons revolving around one another at inconceivable speed. Every particle of physical […]
Read the rest of this entry »The Power Of The Ever-Changing Brain
“The brain is remarkably adaptive. Like a muscle that gets stronger with use, the brain changes itself when you struggle to master a new challenge. In fact, there’s never a time in life when the brain is completely ‘fixed.’ Instead, all our lives, our neurons retain the potential to grow new connections with one another […]
Read the rest of this entry »Legal Eagles Fun Fact: The Energy Your Brain Uses
“Though the brain takes up only 2% of our body mass, it uses up 25% of our body’s energy.” -From, “You” Tweet
Read the rest of this entry »Theoretical Physicist Sylvester James Gates Jr. Interview
Theoretical Physicist, Sylvester James Gates Jr. Talks about his interest in physics and supersymmetry, and how to be a success. He seems like he could talk about science for days. It’s always inspirational to see someone love what they do. Tweet
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