Archive for the 'Books' Category

Book Excerpt Of The Week: “Soul Stories” By: Gary Zukav

“An intention is not a wish. A wish doesn’t cause anything to happen. An intention pushes against the way things are in your life. Those things push back exactly the same way. (Remember, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction). You can see what your intentions are by looking at what is […]

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Book Excerpt Of The Week: “The Big Sea” By: Langston Hughes

“Some critics say that that is what happened to certain Negro writers too opinion that they ceased to write to amuse themselves and began to write to amuse and entertain white people, and in so doing distorted and over-colored their material, and left out a great many things they thought would offend their American brothers […]

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Segregated Libraries

“When the sit-in movement started in Greensboro, North Carolina, in 1960 black people of nearby Danville had also been stirred to sit-in. There main focus then was on desegregating the ‘public’ library. As everywhere in the South, black people were denied the use of the town’s main library and assigned (in Danville, but not in […]

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What The Vietnam War Did To America

“Some 58,000 Americans died in Vietnam; there average age was 18; another 500,000 returned home as drug addicts.” -From, “Empower The People” By: Tony Brown Tweet

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Book Excerpt Of The Week: “Sweet Expectations: Michele Hoskins’ Recipe For Success” By: Michele Hoskins

“Some people remain enslaved by the examples that they see around them. If they lacked role models, then they find it difficult to grow beyond a certain point. They can see few possibilities for themselves beyond what they see. But you have to stretch.” From, “Sweet Expectations: Michele Hoskins’ Recipe For Success” By: Michele Hoskins

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Quote Of The Day

“The only way you are going to make it is if we work together. A war has been wage don us, but we can’t let that stop the show. It is a game and system, and you must learn how to play it. The war is occupying the space where your dreams should be. We […]

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Americans & Taxes

“Prior to passage of the 16th Amendment to the Constitution in 1913, taxes on income were illegal in the United States. Since the introduction of the personal income tax, the average American works almost 7 months of each year just to pay taxes.” -From, “Empower The People” By: Tony Brown Tweet

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Quote Of The Day

“Regardless of how large or small, we are all born to accomplish a certain task. It is the knowledge of that purpose that enables every soul to fulfill itself. One person with knowledge of his life’s purpose is more powerful than ten thousand working without that knowledge.” -Muhammad Ali (The Soul Of A Butterfly) Tweet

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Book Excerpt Of The Week: “How To Be Like Jackie Robinson” By: Pat Williams

“Once you become a disciplined person, you are better equipped to confront life’s challenges. The small choices that compromise who you are as an individual are the preliminary events to the big moments that test your very makeup. There are no undisciplined moral people. The truth of life is, we all have free will, and […]

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Definitions Better Than Webster’s: The Brain

THE BRAIN: “The brain is capable of millions of different things, and people really should learn how incredible they are, and how incredible their minds actually are. Not only do we have this unbelievable thing within our heads that can do so many things for us and can help us learn, but it can change […]

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