Archive for the 'Information' Category

Dr. Umar Johnson: Propaganda & The Black Community


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Dick Gregory Speaks At Mosque #7 (2013)

Dick Gregory discusses: The effect carrying lead bullets has on police officers, college football games & professional athletics, why Magic Johnson stopped playing basketball, the “love” of athletes and entertainers, the Million Man March, the assassination of Malcolm X, Trayvon Martin, and the purpose of the Rodney King riots. Tweet

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An Elder Discusses Hidden History

Dr. Barbara Sizemore discusses how the real history is ignored and buried. Tweet

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Dr. Delbert Blair Discusses The Dangers Of Smart Phones, Microwaves & Vaccinations


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How Powerful Are Our Words?

Scientist, Dr. Masaru Emoto, did an experiment on the power of words and intentions. He used water as his test subject. This was pertinent because the human body is mostly composed of water. Dr. Masaru spoke loving words to one glass of water, and hateful words to another. He found that the water that received […]

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Video Of The Week: Malcolm Shabazz Interview


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Do our votes really count?

Do our votes really count? I wonder how real elections really are. I read the following information in a book recently: “On election night, when the three major television networks announce the next president, the winner they announce is not chosen by the voters of the United States. He is the selection of the three […]

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Video Of The Week: Part 2- The Wisdom Of Dick Gregory

Dick Gregory discusses: The link between violence and pollution, why British police don’t carry guns, the insult of “Black-on-Black crime,” rap vs. the blues, the determiners of public policy, Black colleges, the danger of bad information, the physical effects of stress. Tweet

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Video Of The Week: Part 1- The Wisdom Of Dick Gregory

Dick Gregory discuses the presence in fibroids in Black women, and how fibroids are linked to hair straightening. He also talks about the number one killer amongst Jamaicans in Jamaica, and Chinese women. Mr. Gregory also briefly talks about The Nation of Islam. Tweet

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Interesting Fact: The Importance Of Recycling

“Each year, Americans throw away 16 billion disposable diapers, 1.5 billion pens, 220 tires, and 2 billion razor blades. Yearly, Americans discard enough aluminum to rebuild the entire United States commercial airline fleet every three months.” -From, “Black Dawn, Bright Day” Tweet

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