Quote Of The Day

Written By: Elsie Law - Aug• 01•18

“Find out just what people will submit to and you have found the exact amount of injustice and wrong, which will be imposed upon them; and these will continue until they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.” -Frederick Douglass

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Can Technology Help Nature? Drones & Reforestation

Written By: Elsie Law - Jul• 28•18

Drone ReforestationBioCarbon Engineering, a United Kingdom based company, have invented a drone that can help to combat deforestation. The drone has the capability to plant a billion plants per year by depositing seeds in places that need to be reforested. The seed-depositing drone can reportedly out-perform the aerial methods that are currently being used. The drone has the capacity to reach places that human beings can’t.

[SOURCE: National Geographic]

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Legal Eagles Fun Fact: Russia

Written By: Elsie Law - Jul• 27•18

Russia (Map)Russia is the largest country on Earth.

Russia spans 11 time zones and stretches halfway around the world.

Russia contains one of the world’s last wilderness that is home to very rare species.

Russia has almost every type of terrain and climate. It has deserts, dense forests, and Arctic tundra.

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Quote Of The Day

Written By: Elsie Law - Jul• 27•18

“The undisputed historical backdrop fro racial profiling is two hundred and forty years of chattel slavery, a hundred years of Jim Crow, and four-hundred-plus years of intergenerational wealth transfer during which most of the time black people not only owned little property but were property. In roughly fifty of the first seventy-two years of our country’s first century, the presidents of the United States themselves owned slaves. In the infamous Dred Scott case, in which the U.S. Supreme Court declared that a black man had no rights that a white man need respect, five of the justices were from slaveholding families.

This history may not seem long ago, but it has left its thumbprint on our unconscious mental processes.” -Lani Guinier

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Buy Black Friday Purchases: July 13, 2018

Written By: Elsie Law - Jul• 13•18

From Fatherless To Fatherhood

Dick Gregory Defining Moments In Black History

[SIDEBAR: I read the Dick Gregory book already, but I didn’t own the copy I read…I definitely had to have it for my personal library. I look forward to reading the Omar Epps book too.]

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Quote Of The Day

Written By: Elsie Law - Jul• 13•18

“The three great organized forces through which social hereditary operates are:

The schools, the churches, and the public press.

Any ideal that has the active co-operation of these three forces may, during the brief period of one generation, be forced upon the minds of the young so effectively that they cannot resist it.” -Napoleon Hill

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The Science Behind No-Melt Ice Cream

Written By: Elsie Law - Jul• 12•18

Melted Ice CreamYou can thank a brutal natural disaster for the invention of no-melt ice cream.

According to National Geographic, no-melt ice cream was accidentally created after a 2011 tsunami in Japan damaged the country’s strawberry fields.

Due to the widespread damage of the fruit, they could not be sold as whole pieces. Therefore, a pharmacy professor and his team decided to make an extract from the strawberries, and use it as an ice-cream topping. However, instead of being a delicious topping, the extracted strawberries, also known as liquid polyphenol, acted as a binding agent creating a frozen dessert that can stay at room temperature for an hour without melting.

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Quote Of The Day

Written By: Elsie Law - Jul• 12•18

“Go into the public squares of our cities and observe the monuments that have been erected to the leaders of war. Observe the posture of these statues as they stand as living symbols to glorify men who did nothing more than lead armies on escapades of destruction. Notice how well these statues of warriors, mounted on charging steeds, serve as agencies through which to stimulate the minds of the young and prepare them for the acceptance of war, not only as a pardonable act, but as distinctly desirable source of attainment of glory, fame and honor.” -Napoleon Hill

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Michael Jackson Almost Owned Marvel Comics?

Written By: Elsie Law - Jul• 10•18

Marvel Michael JacksonIn a 2013 interview between Piers Morgan and Joe Jackson, it was revealed that Michael Jackson almost owned Marvel. The music superstar was seeking to purchase the comics giant before Disney did.

In a recorded voicemail message from 2002, Michael Jackson could be heard stating that he wanted to purchase Marvel and create a “Marvel [television] channel with the Marvel characters.” He also mentioned creating restaurants, retail locations, theme parks, etc. touting the Marvel brand and characters. The music superstar was surely a business genius!

What happened to the Michael Jackson/Marvel deal? According to the aforementioned Piers Morgan interview, the legal allegations against Michael Jackson halted his purchase of Marvel, and left the door opened for Disney to enact his brilliant plan.

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Quote Of The Day

Written By: Elsie Law - Jul• 10•18

“In my city, the brown fields and rotting piers and rusting factories are testament to an economy that shifted and then shifted again, rendering obsolete whole generations of union-wage workers and their families. The cost to society is beyond calculation, not that anyone ever paused to calculate anything. Our economic and political leaders are dismissive of the horror, at points even flippant in their derision.” -David Simon

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