Archive for the 'Nutrition' Category

8 Facts About Food That Will Make You Beware Of What You Eat


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Is There A Connection Between Milk & Bipolar Disorder?


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Does Milk Really Provide You With Calcium? Are There Dangers In Drinking Milk?


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The Fast Food Combo That Causes You To Crave Another Fast Food Combo

“Consuming aspartame along with carbohydrates like a double burger, large fries and a diet drink can lead to excess levels of phenylalanine in the brain. Phenylalanine blocks the production of serotonin in the brain, which causes an increased craving for carbohydrates, like another double burger, large fries, and diet drink. The whole thing becomes a […]

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An Urban Farmer Feeds His Community

[SIDEBAR: It’s funny how we’re taught not to “get dirty,” yet, there’s so much power and serenity in the soil.] Tweet

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A Man Born In 1901 Reveals The Keys To Healthy Living & Longevity


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Does Soda Age Your Immune System?

According to some research, soda can age you in a manner similar to cigarettes. It is said that a daily intake of 8 ounces of soda can age you by 1.9 years; daily intake of 20 ounces can age a person by 4.6 years. Americans are becoming aware of the dangers of soda consumption. Soda […]

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The Dangers Of Too Much Sugar

Over the years Americans intake of sugar has surged, greatly contributing to soaring rates of diabetes and obesity. Some sources have stated that on average, modern day Americans, consume about a pound and a half of sugar almost every couple of days. Comparatively, in the 1800s, the average American ingested less than 12 pounds of […]

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Video: Ernestine Shepherd: The Oldest Competitive Female Body Builder

This is the way to age! Ernestine Shepherd is the Guinness Book of World Records record-holder for being the oldest competitive female body builder. She looks amazing, and more importantly, she is super-healthy. [SIDEBAR: Her and her husband are beyond admirable.] Tweet

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This Is Not A Hoax: Fast Food Restaurant Introduces The Bacon Sundae

A few days ago, fast food chain Burger King, introduced the bacon sundae. The bacon sundae is just as its appellation describes it; a combination of: vanilla ice cream, chocolate syrup, caramel syrup, bacon bits topping, and a strip of bacon. The sundae has been touted as an addition to the franchise’s summer menu. The […]

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